Igor Karača: EARTHSONG


“Earthsong” takes listeners on a captivating sonic journey, where the organic melodies of chirping birds, rustling leaves, and crashing waves harmoniously intertwine with pulsating electronic rhythms and atmospheric textures.

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“Earthsong” takes listeners on a captivating sonic journey, where the organic melodies of chirping birds, rustling leaves, and crashing waves harmoniously intertwine with pulsating electronic rhythms and atmospheric textures.

“Earthsong” takes listeners on a captivating sonic journey, where the organic melodies of chirping birds, rustling leaves, and crashing waves harmoniously intertwine with pulsating electronic rhythms and atmospheric textures.


With each track, my goal was to weave together the natural world and the digital domain, creating an electro-acoustic symphony of sound that transcends boundaries and immerses the audience in a realm where technology and nature coexist in perfect harmony. Prepare to be transported to a place where the ethereal meets the electronic, where the tranquility of nature dances with the pulsating energy of synthesizers and live musical instruments, and where the music becomes a transcendent experience that resonates deep within the soul!

One: Shadow Life

Leaving the bustling city behind and venturing into the embrace of nature, we embark on a transformative journey that awakens our senses and rejuvenates our spirits. As we venture deeper into the wilderness, the noise and chaos of the urban landscape fade away, replaced by the music of rustling leaves, chirping birds, and the gentle flow of nearby streams. Breathing in the pure, crisp air, we feel a profound sense of freedom and connection, as if we had rediscovered a part of ourselves that had long been dormant.

Two: Home for the Peculiar Children

In the heart of urban life, amidst towering buildings and busy streets, the symphony of city sounds orchestrates a unique rhythm. The cacophony of car horns, sirens, and the constant hum of traffic melds with the percussive beats of construction machinery, creating a soundscape of urban existence. Amidst this vibrant chaos, the city breathes with an energy that both invigorates and overwhelms, a constant reminder of the ceaseless movement and dynamism that urban life embodies. Do we belong here?

Three: A Glimmer of Hope

Being one with nature is an ethereal experience that transcends the boundaries of the physical self. It is a profound connection that ignites a sense of harmony and unity with the natural world. As we immerse ourselves in nature’s embrace, our senses awaken to its wonders. The gentle caress of a breeze, the earthy scent of soil, and the concert of birdsong all intertwine, enveloping us in a tapestry of serenity. In these moments, we feel a deep-rooted kinship, recognizing that we are not separate from nature but an integral part of it. Time slows down, and we find solace in the simplicity and beauty that surrounds us. Being one with nature beckons us to pause, reflect, and appreciate the interconnectedness of all living things, reminding us of the intrinsic bond we share with this magnificent planet we call home

One: Shadow Life...................................................18:16

Two: Home for the Peculiar Children.............14:58

Three: A Glimmer of Hope..................................20:02

SUSPENDED MOTION: Music of Igor Karača